昔ながらのシューズキーパー(プラナカンビーズシューズ専用) Traditional Shoes keeper cushion for Peranakan Beaded Shoes

昔ながらのシューズキーパー(プラナカンビーズシューズ専用) Traditional Shoes keeper cushion for Peranakan Beaded Shoes


昔ながらのシューズキーパー(プラナカンビーズシューズ専用) Traditional Shoes keeper cushion for Peranakan Beaded Shoes



素材: 綿

*Peranakan beaded shoe keeper made from cotton cloth cushion. A high-performance product that uses it absorb odors and moisture from inside shoes as it holds their shape.  

No allow to refund the item upon purchased.

Not included beaded shoes in the sample photo and cloth colour is subjct to change without prior mentioning.